Inspired Action Life Podcast
”Welcome to a transformative podcast where I, a certified Self-leadership Coach, Positive Mindset Influencer, and Experience Designer, empower you to connect with your purpose, unleash your potential, and thrive. Join me on this journey to your best self – let’s dive in!” Through immersive platforms and experiences dedicated to Connection, Collaboration, Creativity, and Purpose, we pave the way for your personal growth. It all begins with you. Get ready to be captivated by riveting tales of those who’ve discovered their purpose, proving that the path to success and personal fulfillment is open to everyone. Brace yourself for an exhilarating dose of motivation and a crystal-clear roadmap to becoming the best version of yourself. Don’t miss out on the inspiration you crave and the journey to the authentic YOU. Tune in now!”

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
The big ideas from this section of text are:
1. quest for inspiration and purpose in life: The section starts with the narrator expressing a desire for something more meaningful and inspirational in life, beyond just going through the motions.
2. The search for a new way of thinking: The narrator mentions being introduced to a different way of thinking, referred to as "next level thinking," which sparked their curiosity and desire for personal growth.
3. The struggle with self-doubt and a lack of self-worth: The narrator discusses feeling inadequate, always striving for validation, and struggling with a fear of failure. They delve into the concept of narcissism and how it may have affected their self-esteem and relationships.
4. The impact of covert narcissism: The narrator describes a type of narcissism called "covert narcissism" and how it can subtly devalue and victimize individuals, making them feel less than and unloved.
5. The importance of deep personal connections: The text emphasizes the significance of genuine, supportive relationships and how a lack of such connections can lead to feelings of invisibility and inadequacy.
Overall, this section explores the narrator's personal journey toward self-discovery, the exploration of new perspectives, and the recognition of the impact of narcissism on their self-esteem and relationships.
1. "Life looks pretty good, feels pretty good mostly, but there's just something that's wrong, something that's missing."
2. "I wanted to feel inspired, but I didn't know how and where to look for that inspiration."
3. "It all seemed like quick fixes. Like if I could just be this size, then I would be happy. Or if I could just get this promotion, then I would finally be happy."
4. "It's not about being necessarily unhappy as much as being inspired, happy, like knowing that your life is purpose-built."
5. "I needed to figure out why I would never put myself out there and why I always tried to keep such a low profile."
6. "The biggest problem was the devaluation, the devaluing of what you bring to the table."
7. "It's that connection. It's that deep personal connection that you lose in those valuable relationships."
These pull quotes capture key ideas related to the narrator's quest for inspiration, their struggle with self-worth, and the impact of narcissism on their relationships.
Overall, this episode encourages listeners to examine their past experiences and relationships to better understand themselves and their value, ultimately leading to personal growth and a more inspired and fulfilling life.
Personal Growth
Finding Inspiration
Emotional Well-being
Life Transformation

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
I'm so happy to have Jess Burgio, hailing from San Diego, sharing her inspiring journey on this episode of "Inspired Action Life" podcast. As the host of the "Unscripted" podcast and co-founder of Media Unscripted, a podcast talent agency, Jess brings a wealth of experience and insight to the conversation.
She is not only beautiful (she knows beauty...she pivoted from the beauty industry into full time podcasting!) She is an author, she is wise, driven & AUTHENTIC as they come. This is a real talk conversation! The discussion delves into Jess's transformation from a successful hairdresser and salon owner to her current role in podcasting and entrepreneurship. Her story underscores the significance of recognizing inherent talents and leveraging them for a new career trajectory. The conversation explores her career evolution from the beauty industry to the fitness sector and ultimately to the dynamic world of podcasting.
An overarching theme is the power of curiosity and seizing opportunities, even when they require reaching out to influential figures. Jess's connection with Lori Harder serves as a prime example. Her journey emphasizes the profound impact of embracing change, finding one's voice, and embracing mentorship and personal development.
Jess's narrative shines a light on her journey navigating professional shifts to create a fulfilling and impactful career. The episode encapsulates her journey, from pivotal moments of self-discovery to strategic decision-making, culminating in her role as a podcast agency owner. Jess's story stands as a testament to the rewards of embracing change and recognizing one's unique strengths, ultimately leading to meaningful personal and professional growth.
"Knowing that you are capable of holding space, being a good listener, maybe being the person people turn to for a specific... those are the things you might want to lean into as your gifts."
"Being curious and being open... when an opportunity presents itself, I do ask myself, is this an opportunity or a distraction? And in those cases, it was always an opportunity."
3. "Sometimes we think things are going to be so much harder than they are or that like who am I to ask for this?
"I think being curious and being open and being like one of those people that when an opportunity presents itself... That's my going right."
"We take what we call these like soft skills for granted because they're just part of who we are... or it's maybe just what you do. And so you don't realize that these traits and these things actually can equate to a future business that you might want to start or have."
"Podcasting felt very similar to trading time for money, as it did with doing a haircut. I realized I don't have to be stuck to a chair at the salon, but now my *** is stuck to a seat in my office in front of a computer."
"Podcasting is an opportunity to connect your voice with your brand. It's not just about putting out content; it's about establishing yourself as a thought leader and driving traffic to your episodes."
"Embrace change, step out of your comfort zone, and recognize the transferable skills that can lead to success in unexpected areas."
FOLLOW JESS ON INSTA @Jessicaburgio @unscriptedthepodcast & @mediaunscripted
Remember to FOLLOW ME ON INSTA for upcoming events & retreats or training info @Inspiredaction_coach @theexperienceproject614
or visit my website for group training

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
In this solo podcast episode, host Karen Baldridge discusses the interplay between ego and intuition in decision-making. She reflects on the importance of listening to one's inner wisdom when faced with important choices, whether in relationships, finances, or business endeavors.
Karen begins by describing her approach to creating podcast episodes that address timely topics and personal insights. She introduces the central theme of her recent episodes—finding a balance between following intuition and taking massive action in a hustle culture.
She delves into decision-making processes and identifies the challenge of determining whether to follow conventional advice or trust one's intuition. Karen presents three different approaches: blindly following external advice, adhering to expert guidance, and listening to one's inner wisdom.
She emphasizes the abundance of information available on the internet but notes the scarcity of true wisdom. Karen suggests that individuals often seek quick fixes and readily adopt advice from experts, attributing any failures to external sources rather than themselves.
Karen presents the notion of aligning one's decisions with inner intuition, describing it as a "still small voice" or gut feeling. She relates a story of a friend who embraced her own intuition, defied external skepticism, and pursued a unique business idea that later found great success.
The host distinguishes between decisions made from a place of alignment and those made from ego-driven motivations. She acknowledges the importance of meditation, reflection, and seeking inner clarity to connect with one's authentic intuition. Karen also cautions against imposing artificial timelines on decisions, highlighting the significance of choosing the right timing aligned with one's current state and context.
She shares a personal experience where she made a decision from a practical standpoint, relying on logic and external influences, rather than consulting her intuition. This decision led to challenges and a need to reevaluate her approach.
In conclusion, Karen reiterates the value of intuition in decision-making, urging listeners to prioritize self-awareness, reflection, and alignment with their inner wisdom. She encourages individuals to trust their gut feelings, stay open to magic, and cultivate the courage to make decisions that are true to themselves.
1. "Walking the line between intuition and massive action in a hustle culture is a challenge many of us face when making significant life decisions."
2. "Should I follow advice that seems to work for others, or should I listen to my own intuition? It's a common dilemma."
3. "We drown in information on the internet, yet we starve for true wisdom that aligns with our individual paths."
4. "Listening to external voices often leads us to blame others for failures instead of taking accountability for our decisions."
5. "The inner wisdom, the still small voice, the gut feeling – all point toward the next best move aligned with our highest good."
6. "Trusting ourselves and making decisions based on our inner intuition can be challenging but highly rewarding."
7. "Consulting the ego-driven mind and external voices can lead to decisions made out of fear or scarcity, rather than true alignment."
8. "Meditation and quiet reflection help clear space for genuine intuition to surface and guide us in decision-making."
9. "The right timing for decisions is crucial – imposing artificial timelines based on external pressures can lead to misaligned choices."
10. "Prioritizing self-awareness, reflection, and alignment with inner wisdom empowers us to make choices that resonate with our authentic selves."

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In this podcast episode, I disucss discusses the importance of taking aligned and inspired action in various aspects of life, including business, projects, and personal growth. I emphasize the significance of surrendering to divine or aligned actions, rather than just following logical steps or repeating past patterns. Karen shares her own experiences with understanding the timing and flow of actions, and how letting go and trusting the process can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes. She encourages listeners to be open to opportunities, stay committed, and find joy in the present moment. The message is one of embracing change, alignment, and allowing things to unfold naturally.
"Sometimes it's just the redirection is God's protection."
"You just need to prepare to be ready to be ready."
"Let go of all your own concepts, preconceived notions of how it should go, and this is exactly what should happen... it goes according to whatever plan that God has set out or the universe has for you."
Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Inspired Action Life podcast. I'm your host, Karen Boldridge, and today's episode is all about the magic of aligned action. Tune in as I share insights on taking purposeful steps, surrendering to divine timing, and embracing the journey. 🌟
🌠 Aligned Action: A Quick Dive 🌠
In this impromptu solo episode, I'm diving into the heart of taking action in alignment with your dreams and goals. Whether you're launching a business, embarking on a new project, or making a life change, this message is for you.
🌊 Surrendering to Divine Timing 🌊
Just like planting seeds in a garden, you don't dig them up to check their progress. Similarly, when you set your intentions and take action, surrender the outcome to the universe's timing. It's a dance of trust and patience.
🛤️ Staying the Course 🛤️
Sometimes, our plans hit roadblocks or detours. When things don't flow as expected, it's an opportunity to reflect. Are you pushing too hard? Is it time to pause and realign? Remember, redirection can be a form of protection.
💫 The Magic of Letting Go 💫
The most incredible opportunities often emerge when we let go of rigid expectations. Trust the process, stay committed, and be ready to be ready. Keep expanding your knowledge, nurturing your dreams, and believe that the right opportunities will find you.
🚣♀️ Floating Down the River of Life 🚣♀️
Picture yourself on a river, floating through life's twists and turns. Release resistance and allow yourself to receive. Sometimes, the best things come when you're simply enjoying the present and being open to unexpected joys.
🌌 Embrace the Journey 🌌
As you embark on your path, remember that each person's journey is unique. Let go of comparison and embrace your own divine plan. Look back at your life and notice the pattern – the most incredible moments often appeared when you least expected them.
💡 Final Thoughts 💡
So, my friends, let's commit to aligned action while surrendering to the universe's flow. Plant your intentions, take steps, and then release control. Embrace the magic that unfolds when you align your actions with your inner knowing and trust the journey.
Thank you for joining me today on the podcast. I hope this message resonates with you and encourages you to embrace divine action. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead! ✨ #AlignedAction #SurrenderToFlow #EmbraceTheJourney"

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
*Michelle Villalobos( Villalobos, MBA, CSP, (AKA: The "Superstar Activator") works with mission-driven Superstars to reimagine and redesign their careers, businesses, and lives for more freedom, fulfillment, income, and impact. She also recently launched But I Want To Fly! An inspirational performance )
PERSONAL NOTE!!! Michelle was a game changer for me!
I went to her BUSINESS #MASTERMIND and was blown away....she is an, out of the box thinker, higher thinking approach to business and life and AND ABUNDANCE!. Michelle provided a whole new approach to business and how to integrate knowledge and intuition. approach to both! I so appreciated that as a natural INTUITIVELY LED PERSON. MOST PEOPLE DON'T ACCOUNT FOR INTUITION WHEN MAKING DECISIONS...THEY GO WITH DATA ONLY...BUT I ALWAYS FEEL led TO INCLUDE BOTH...MICHELLE HONORED THAT IN HER PROGRAM.
Her Superstar Activator Business Program...So Good! So many quotable quotes from this convo. Too many to document. !!!! SO JUST LISTEN IF YOU WANT A SHIFT TO YOUR BUSINESS OR JUST LIFE IN GENERAL. I align with her energy so much and I hope you will too!
" ...talking About following the Free energy in my life Like where's the free energy? Where is it? Why available? And I started talking about bound energy and I you know what, I started to realize was that all this pain and suffering was bound energy that could be liberated into. Something I didn't realize it was he used to say. I think it was him that used to say, like if you had, you know, oil fields under the land, you wouldn't want to get rid of the oil, you'd want to tap it. That's what you have like all that pain, all that suffering that you've been trying to cover. That's bound energy that you can..."
Such epic word pictures and mindset shifting wisdom throughout this whole this She is a total vibe and has fully impacted my life and elevated my thinking more than she probably even understands.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
How to up level every part of that and how to connect with who you are and connect with your happiness Again, where you are and more importantly to create that next version of you, that version that is dying to come out, but you just dont know how to get yourself there.
And ultimately sit with the emotions, feel them, and then eventually clear them, because if you do not clear them, they all the angers that are keeping you in place in your comfort zone because you are fearful and not that because you know,

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
NEW PODCAST EPISODE @mrssabrinacarter … link to podcast in bio 🎉
“I cant fathom that I was the one that chose this path, because I was in such a position where I was thinking like, “how could a good God let this happen “ I’m going to just go all in whether you perform how I want you to or not because a lot of times he has other plans.’ #commitment #perseverance #belief #bigfaiththemovement
Sabrina Carter is a physician assistant, the host of the My RX no my prevention RX podcast, and a healthy lifestyle mentor. She's got a great, interesting story to share
From early life… she was always headed down the path of health, beauty & wellness faith and kindness as instilled in her by her parents
My mom cooked a lot, and although we got compliments for being beautiful, …she always reinstated, “but you're kind and generous and nice “ #motherswisdom
📣📣 Sabrina was a competitive cheerleader growing up, and she was a college cheerleader at University of Florida and University of Miami🎉🎉🎊🎊 this would not surprise anybody who has ever met Sabrina or seen her. She’s fit, cute, and very disciplined!✨💕
But as with all stories… Not everything turned out perfectly…
she went into a career that she thought she would love and embrace worked hard to get accepted into physicians assistance, school, and achieved a degree in this field once again, in the field of cardiology… Then came the storms of life
“In 2016, my sister got pregnant, gave birth, and was given a cancer diagnosis well. I had just invested a huge amount of money in a business, but I lost all motivation for it and creativity and could barely think clear… she had to go and be with her family.
This was her only sister and only sibling… She tells the story of how she has been overcoming pain loss, starting and restarting careers, businesses and living in different cities, and trying to juggle all of it… And still going through it
Nobody is immune to trouble or heartache or disappointment… But the key is, do you have enough faith and perseverance to overcome rebuild and get stronger? Listen to her story, so inspiring!
Sabrina Carter Host of My Prevention RX Podcast; Healthy Lifestyle Mentor

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
• You have to be in the right state of mind to receive the truth
• You're never going to get there if you don't first start within.
You have to shift how you look at life, not what you're looking at, and that's a little profound, but it's kind of simple.
• happiness is even originated is something that is completely dictated and intentionally created by you and not by anyone else, and not by any circumstances.
• The conscious mind versus the subconscious mind.
• The conscious mind is the mind that you are in control of. It is the mind that makes decisions t
the mind is just a little downstream from every bit of information that we consume.
• I was raised to believe certain things, and if you never question them, then this is what you believe.
. The subconscious mind is where God plays, where your intuitive senses take over,
your subconscious mind always knows what is right for you and what is aligned with who you are.
• We are so easily programmed because we are not intentionally programming ourselves. We are allowing everyone else's program to program us, and so our programs of scarcity and incredulous thoughts towards money affect our marriages and our finances.
• If you are surrounded with incredulous people or negative scarcity minded people who can't see bigger, that's their own protection program. You've just accepted it as truth instead of challenging it, so that's why I always am like, now I'm looking at colleges and all of this.
• The subconscious mind is constantly going, it has been going since the time the brain formed, it picks up on all the inferences that you didn't even realize in your conscious mind was going on, and it decides the program.
• You can never create something that has never been created because you have never read about it because it doesn't exist. The conscious and the subconscious is the thing that either makes us or breaks us, and the connection between them is the thing that gets me so excited. You have all the answers you need, so be still and make space for God to talk to you.
• Once you wake up and snap out of the matrix, you will be shocked at the amount of information available to you. You will all of a sudden get these lightning bolts going oh, my God, I remember seeing that I remember thinking that why did I not do anything about it?
• When you consume too much stuff, your garden becomes cluttered with weeds and you have no clear path for growth. You have put a muzzle on God, on your intuition and you can't produce because you're too busy being unfocused with a bunch of other nonsense.
• Instead of beautiful, robust, sumptuous fruits and vegetables, think of your conscious mind as a garden. You've just let the weeds take over and
• Turn off the news, because it tells you who to hate, who to love, what to do what not, and why you should hate them.
Breath work and meditation are wonderful physical tools to access your subconscious mind and unload the energy at a cellular level
• Your life and how you think can be changed by getting rid of stuck energy that gets in your body from your awkward childhood and awkward teenage years.
• When you're going to make a decision, ask nobody's opinion. Let your gut lead you let your soul be led by higher wisdom
• Home for somebody today I know I'm very passionate about this topic, but I hope it does the same for you. Create your own life today.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
• Useful EmotionS
• Comfort Zone
• Anger
• Mood
• Change
Welcome back to the Inspired Action Life podcast, hosted by Karen Baldridge.
• Happiness is not the most useful emotion when trying to elevate your life, mood, emotions, or career.
• The dreaded comfort zone is where you want to be comfortable, but when you get to that comfort zone, it gets dicey.
• When you're feeling unhappy or one of the best drivers for change is hurt anger, anger is actually on the positive side.

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Joanne Bolt is the founder of the B Word podcast
and the PodcastHer Network group.
She started her career as a consultant for one of the top five consulting firms in the world but pivoted to real estate. However, she soon realized it wasn't her passion and found her calling in podcasting. She finds joy in pouring into those she interviews, as well as her audience. She prefers to work in a group setting, where people can take what they want from her wisdom, and she does not feel the pressure of a one-on-one coach. JoAnne believes that many people need to identify why they can never feel complete in their current work....she did.... and she found that podcasting was a natural fit for her!
Monetizing Your Podcast
Finding Your Niche
Getting Started
Networking and Collaborating
Inspiration and Creativity
Discovering Your Strengths
Monetizing Your Podcast
Podcasting can be used to make money, even if you don't have millions of downloads per episode. Focusing on women can be particularly lucrative, as they can make six-figure incomes. Podcasts are a great way to introduce potential customers to your business and help them get to know you. For those just starting out, content should focus on providing value to listeners.
Finding Your Niche
She tells a story of her friend, Allie Casazza, wrote Declutter Like a Mother and found success by talking about it with her husband, writing a book, and shifting her podcast to focus on cleaning out business space. To become a success, one must start with what they can currently offer and be willing to pivot their podcast in a group setting.
Getting Started
Podcasting can be intimidating for new users, but the Podcast Mastermind Group can offer guidance and advice. One way to grow your podcast and business is through Pinterest. It is important to remember that perfection isn't necessary, and that it's better to start than to wait. It is possible to start a podcast for free, but if you want to store episodes, you will eventually need to pay for a version upgrade. Initially, it's best to only spend around 50 dollars on equipment, but after some time, more expensive equipment can be purchased if desired.
Networking and Collaborating
Joanne Bolt offers a membership site for those looking to get on other people’s podcasts without having to go in for interviews. Members can get access to the site and all of its evolving features. Joanne also offers an accelerator program which puts podcasts in groups of 6 to 8 for six months and teaches members how to swap ads and collaborate together. Additionally, members can take part in a two-part mini-series known as a “collab”, where one interviews the other and then they switch, resulting in two episodes and two audiences. The key is getting collabed with the right podcast host and arranging them to drop at the same time.
Become an expert in something you don't know and ask friends what comes easily to you. Help others solve their problems by asking the right questions and bring out the best in people. As an example, Sarah Gammel created a business teaching others how to network effectively, after someone pointed out her natural ability in this area.

Host & Chief Dream Cultivator
"Welcome to Inspired Action Life Podcast, I'm your Host Karen Baldridge. This is a place where we're all about waking up to the magic within you! Join us for informational & heart-centered chats on leveling up in life, love, business, career, and finances. Discover the secrets of mindset & life transformations and self-love journeys that lead to the YOU you never knew existed. Get cozy and get ready for inspiring tales from guests who bravely embraced life's twists, took risks, and found their extraordinary. It's time to sprinkle some magic on your day and awaken to a life filled with more joy, purpose, and surprises!"