Inspired Action Life Podcast

”Welcome to a transformative podcast where I, a certified Self-leadership Coach, Positive Mindset Influencer, and Experience Designer, empower you to connect with your purpose, unleash your potential, and thrive. Join me on this journey to your best self – let’s dive in!” Through immersive platforms and experiences dedicated to Connection, Collaboration, Creativity, and Purpose, we pave the way for your personal growth. It all begins with you. Get ready to be captivated by riveting tales of those who’ve discovered their purpose, proving that the path to success and personal fulfillment is open to everyone. Brace yourself for an exhilarating dose of motivation and a crystal-clear roadmap to becoming the best version of yourself. Don’t miss out on the inspiration you crave and the journey to the authentic YOU. Tune in now!”

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Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

"2023 Reflections and the Path to Inspired Action in 2024
Welcome to the 2024 season of the Inspired Action Live podcast! I'm your host, Karen Baldridge, and I'm thrilled to kick off this season with a deep reflection on the transformative journey of 2023 and the insights gained as we enter the new year. In today's episode, we'll explore the profound shifts, personal growth, and the wisdom gained during a year of stillness and introspection. Join me as we delve into the nuances of inspired action, the impact of energy on reality, and the importance of aligning with your unique purpose.
*Big Ideas:*
1. **The Energetic Influence of 2023:**   - 2023 was a year of stillness and introspection, as indicated by various spiritual and astrological insights.   - The significance of pausing, reflecting on one's current state, and considering the direction for personal growth.
2. **Navigating Ego-Driven Action:**   - The challenge of distinguishing between inspired action and ego-driven action.   - The realization that forcing action without alignment with one's purpose can lead to resistance and struggle.
3. **Navigating Loss and Transition:**   - Personal experiences, including the loss of a loved one, brought about significant shifts in priorities and energy.   - The impact of external events on the ability to focus and invest energy in meaningful ways.
4. **Recognizing Energetic Alignment:**   - The importance of flow and alignment in determining the appropriateness of a particular action.   - Observations on how ease and excitement accompany actions that are in energetic alignment.
5. **Lessons from Emotional Chaos:**   - Uncovering deeper emotions and insecurities during periods of stillness.   - The body's role in keeping score of unresolved emotions and the necessity of addressing them for holistic well-being.
6. **Transitioning to Feminine Energy:**   - The power of embracing receptive and feminine energy after periods of intense action.   - Allowing oneself to "be" and engaging in self-care, information gathering, and personal projects.
7. **Overcoming Programmed Beliefs:**   - The impact of societal, familial, and personal programming on one's beliefs and realities.   - The necessity of examining and challenging programmed beliefs to create a more authentic reality.
8. **Shift in Thought Patterns:**   - The importance of language and thoughts in shaping one's reality.   - Recognizing and changing negative thought patterns to align with a more positive and empowering reality.
1. "There were so many huge things that came out of 2023 for me personally. I don't know about you, but I know that a lot of people who follow horoscopes or things like that... knew this was going to be a year of stillness, introspection, and reflection."
2. "When you start acting on an idea that maybe isn't at your highest purpose, or isn't going to bring about the highest level of purpose that you were meant to on this earth, then all of a sudden, things stop flowing."
3. "It was going to be one of those years where there was going to be a great deal of pausing and reflecting as to where you are now and where you want to go instead of action, action, action."
4. "If it doesn't flow, let it go. If something is not supposed to happen, all of a sudden, it will feel like you are walking through cement. It gets hard."
5. "When something is not supposed to happen, all of a sudden, it will feel like you are walking through cement. It gets hard. It's like an uphill battle, and it's a different kind of hard."
6. "Trust the process, meaning that you have done the work when it was appropriate to do the work. Inspired action is when it flows through you like a download, not just coming from something that existed before."
7. "Your thoughts, feelings, and words—they're like a whole cohesive system. If you aren't absolutely vigilant about changing your thoughts and recognizing programming when you see it, all the things that you are programmed with, you will attract everyone else's beliefs."
8. "Language doesn't just describe reality, it creates the reality that it describes. Your words and your thoughts become things."
9. "You don't survive the game of life because everybody has to meet their end. It's adventure versus preventing disaster. If you believe that all things work out for you, everything is meant for you and will not happen to you, your decisions will change."
Feel free to use these quotes to create a catchy title for the podcast episode or to highlight key points in your promotional materials.
As we step into 2024, the focus shifts towards inspired action and navigating the energetic currents of this new season. Join me in the next episode as we explore the concept of adventure, the power of beliefs, and the influence of language on creating a reality filled with purpose and fulfillment. Until then, may this reflection on 2023 inspire you on your own journey of growth and transformation.
**Join The Experience Project's New Program: "The Game of Life"**
Don't Miss This Opportunity to Change THE GAME OF LIFE for you in 2024!!  For Real....
Hello, dear listeners! We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest and most transformative program yet - "The Game of Life" - set to kick off this February. At The Experience Project, we believe in creating experiences that not only inspire but transform lives. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and purpose, this is the program for you.
*Why "The Game of Life"?*
1. **Inspiration Redefined:**   - This program is not just an experience; it's a game-changer. We've curated a series of interactive sessions, and challenges designed to push your boundaries and redefine what's possible.
2. **Transformational Impact:**   - Dare we say, "The Game of Life" is the flagship of our programs. It's more than a collection of lessons; it's a transformative adventure that will reshape your perspective, ignite your passions, and set you on a path of purpose.
3. **Community Connection:**   - Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal and collective growth. Share experiences, learnings, and triumphs as you navigate this exciting journey together.
4. **Expert Guidance:**   - Our team of seasoned coaches and facilitators are dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need. Benefit from their expertise and gain insights that will accelerate your progress.
5. **Interactive Workshops:**   - "The Game of Life" isn't a spectator sport; it's an immersive experience. Participate in dynamic workshops that blend introspection, collaboration, and action to ensure the lessons stick with you long after the program concludes.
*How to Join:*
If you're ready to level up in 2024, here's how you can join "The Game of Life":
1. Visit our website [].2. Navigate to the Programs section.3. Click on "The Game of Life" for more details.4. Secure your spot by registering for the program.
*Limited Spots Available:*
We believe in maintaining an intimate and impactful experience, so spots for "The Game of Life" are limited. Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in yourself and create lasting change. Secure your spot today and get ready for a journey that will redefine your life in ways you never thought possible.
Join us in February for 5 sessions of "The Game of Life" – where inspiration meets transformation, and the extraordinary becomes your new ordinary. Let's play and win together!

Friday Dec 29, 2023

🎙️ **Podcast Episode Notes: Navigating 2024 with Intention**
In today's special episode, we delve into the transformative practice of setting intentions for the new year through a short, guided meditation. Why is this process so crucial? Because life isn't a random voyage; it's a deliberate journey that requires intentional navigation.
**Key Insights:**
1. **Purposeful Navigation:** Life is akin to a vast ocean, and each one of us is on a ship setting sail into the unknown. Without a charted course, we may encounter moments of serendipity, but we risk drifting without direction. Setting intentions is like plotting a course, ensuring our ship has a destination, and increasing the likelihood of reaching it.
2. **Clearing the Fog:** Intentions act as our compass, cutting through the fog of uncertainty. When we lack clarity on what we want and where we're headed, we leave our journey to chance. The intentional setting of aspirations and dreams acts as a guiding light, dispelling ambiguity and providing a clear path forward.
3. **Feeling Good vs. Being Good:** It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to feel good without a clear understanding of what will genuinely bring joy and fulfillment. The meditation emphasizes the importance of getting crystal clear on personal desires, hopes, and dreams, steering away from superficial desires that only offer temporary satisfaction.
4. **Charting Your Destiny:** Much like a ship needs a destination, our lives need intentional goals. Without them, we may encounter both favorable and unfavorable winds, but the lack of direction may leave us feeling lost at sea. Intention-setting provides a roadmap, allowing us to navigate towards the outcomes we genuinely desire.
5. **The Power of Clarity:** The meditation guides listeners through a process of gaining clarity on personal aspirations, both professionally and personally. By intentionally focusing on what brings true joy and aligns with one's values, the path forward becomes clearer, empowering individuals to make decisions in alignment with their goals.
**Call to Action:**
Embark on this intentional journey with the provided meditation snippet. Get clear on what you want to call into your life, both personally and professionally. Set sail with purpose, charting a course that aligns with your dreams and aspirations.
Remember, life is a journey that requires intentional navigation. Don't leave your path to chance; set your intentions and navigate towards the destination you envision.
Tune in to the full episode for a guided meditation experience and insights on the transformative power of intentional living. Let's chart our destinies together! 🌌✨ #IntentionSetting #NavigateWithPurpose #NewYearIntentions

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Elevating Your Style with the Shine Girls
Welcome back to the Inspired Action Life podcast! 🎙️ Host Karen Baldridge introduces her favorite guests of 2023, the incredible Shine Girls – Laura Schweitzer and Jacqueline Arcuri. These dynamic women are the creative minds behind Shine Image Consultants, specializing in personal styling, career consulting, and holistic transformations.
**Key Ideas:**
1. **Domino Effect of Effort:** Putting effort into appearance positively impacts confidence and self-esteem.
2. **Personal Reflection:** Style reflects one's inner self, aligning with emotions and aspirations.
3. **Perception of Effort:** Style is achievable, dispelling the myth that it requires significant time or money.
4. **Individual Consultation:** Styling begins with understanding clients' lives, self-perception, and preferences.
5. **Feel Good Factor:** Outfits should prioritize how they make individuals feel, not societal expectations.
6. **Challenging Categories:** Categories like work or casual are challenged, emphasizing personal satisfaction.
7. **Start Small:** Encouraging clients to gradually incorporate style changes to build confidence.
8. **Empowering Others:** Embracing personal style inspires and empowers others to do the same.
**Notable Quotes:**
1. "It's not about vanity or caring about what other people think. It's how you care about yourself."
2. "Style can be easy and reflective of your lifestyle and your budget."
3. "When you shine, I shine, we all shine."
4. "If you feel good, you should wear it. That's what matters, not the category you've created."
5. "Let's start with one day. Don't put so much pressure on yourself."
Masterpieces in Clothes: Shine Girls turn individuals into walking pieces of art, embodying the next level of self-expression.
Authenticity and Class: Laura and Jacqueline emphasize authenticity in client relationships, transforming individuals into confident, classy figures.
From Corporate to Shine: Passion for fashion and mentoring led Laura and Jacqueline from corporate careers to launching Shine.
2020: A Transformative Year: Reflecting on 2020, the Shine Girls share their journey from corporate to Shine, involving deep conversations and financial planning.
The Power of Intentional Dressing: Style is attainable for everyone, emphasizing intention and personalization.
**Top Pull Quotes:**
1. "What you wear represents who you want to be professionally."
2. "Clothes are important, but they're the decoration on top."
3. "For us, fashion was an outlet."
4. "Style can be easy and reflective of your lifestyle and budget."
5. "We work hard to personalize the experience with each individual."
Tune in to the full episode for an inspiring conversation on the transformative power of style, self-confidence, and intentional living. Don't miss the chance to elevate your style and embrace the new year with Shine Image Consultants!
[Shine Image Consultants](
[@shineimageconsultants]( on Instagram
✨ #ShineGirls #StyleTransformation #InspiredActionLife

Friday Dec 22, 2023

In this podcast episode, Karen Baldridge interviews Amy Lemire, the president of Amy Training and Consulting. Amy specializes in working with high-performing leaders in sales, focusing on mindset, habits, and tactics. Amy shares her personal journey, starting from her childhood dream of becoming an airline stewardess or a rock star to her current role as a sales trainer, speaker, and habit coach.
Amy emphasizes the importance of mindset in achieving success and recounts her transformative experiences attending Tony Robbins events, where she gained confidence and found her passion for teaching and training. She discusses her book, "From Zero to Sales Hero," and details the evolution of her business, which she started as a side hustle in 2014, eventually transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship two years ago.
One key aspect of Amy's approach is the Habit Finder assessment, which helps individuals identify thought patterns affecting their success. She also highlights her upcoming 10-week virtual course, "The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough," starting on January 15th. The course covers six habits crucial for success, including self-discipline, self-confidence, and goal setting.
Amy shares insights into her sales philosophy, emphasizing the habit of connecting with people and adopting a service-oriented approach. She discusses her influences, including Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Aug Mandino, and Jack Canfield, and recommends books like "Awaken the Giant Within" and "The Greatest Salesman in the World."
The conversation delves into Amy's corporate sales training, consulting work, and the success of her weekend retreat experiences. She explains how she measures success by assessing participants' thought habit shifts using the Habit Finder assessment. Karen and Amy also discuss the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship, the impact of the pandemic on Amy's career path, and the significance of community and networking.
Amy encourages individuals to invest in themselves and trust the process, stressing the importance of being of service in sales. She concludes by sharing details about her course, offering payment plans, and providing links to connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
Top 5 Pull Quotes:
"Success is 90% mindset, habits, and 10% tactics."
"If you don't have self-confidence, it's going to be really hard to present yourself, to ask people to spend money, to ask for commitments, handle rejection."
"The biggest mistake we make in sales is we're focused on ourselves versus the other person, and we really want to be in a place of being of service."
"Sales is 90% customer service because the time leading up to them giving you their money or signing a contract and then the time after that, that is all service."
"The best investment you'll ever make is in yourself."
🚀 Elevate Your Career! 🌟 Join Amy Lemire's Exclusive January Training Group for a transformative experience in sales mastery and mindset shifts. 🚀
🤝 Connect with Amy:
✉️ Email:
🔗 LinkedIn:
🌐 Website:
🎙️ Subscribe to the AIM Training & Consulting Podcast for insights into professional growth, leadership, and success stories. 🎧
📆 Stay tuned for exciting events with The Experience Project! Your journey to excellence starts now. 💼✨

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Hey there, amazing souls! I'm thrilled to share this captivating podcast episode with you. In this episode, I had the privilege of chatting with the incredible Bree Johnson, CEO of "Executive UnSchool." 🌆 @breejohnsonofficial
We dive deep into the world of personal and professional transformation, and Bree's journey from a thriving law career to taking a hard PIVOT to the unexamined life of Soul-prenueur 📚
💭 Here are some BIG takeaways:
🌱 "t's not just about making changes for the sake of it; it's a complete internal transformation. - Bree Johnson
🌟 Bree's story is a testament to the importance of self-awareness, questioning your path, and the need for profound personal and professional growth. 💡
🙏 Join us as we explore her path to self-discovery and a major awakening, embrace her vulnerability, and recognize the PHYSICAL signs life sends our way. 🌟
💥 Big Ideas:
1. Unlocking Transformation from Within.
2. The Power of Curiosity.
3. The Impact of Your Inner Circle.
4. Life's Fragility as a Catalyst.
5. Executive Unschool: A Wellness Revolution.
6. Wellness as a Lifestyle, Not an Event.
7. The Importance of Awareness and Education.
8. The Strength of Support and Community.
🔥 Ready to ignite your own transformation journey? Listen to the full episode, and let's embark on this incredible ride together. 🚀
contact: BREE JOHNSON, FOUNDER; EXECUTIVE UNSCHOOL @breejohnsonofficial
#TransformationJourney #PersonalGrowth #WellnessRevolution #AuthenticLiving #Curiosity #SupportiveCommunity #PodcastLove

Monday Oct 02, 2023

🚀 Just had an insightful podcast conversation with Tim Kight, New York Times Bestseller Contributor, Featured in WSJ, ESPN and other publications, and Founder/CEO of Focus 3, on achieving peace and success in life. It was everything I hoped it would be. He is a fountain of quick hitting wisdom and integrity and the reason I chose to change paths into corporate coaching and Personal Leadership Accountability emphasis!
Tim's wisdom is built on his five guiding principles, his "5 Whys," which can transform your approach to life and work:
1️⃣ "Honor God."
2️⃣ "Love my family."
3️⃣ "Master my craft."
4️⃣ "Be a good friend."
5️⃣ "Contribute to my community."
💡 Tim emphasizes that bringing your "why" to your work, rather than seeking it solely from your job, is key to finding fulfillment.
🌟 Pursuit of Peace: We all seek peace, but it's not circumstantial; it's a mindset and resilience in the face of life's challenges.
🌪 Embracing Life's Messiness: Life is messy and unpredictable. Courage and accountability are needed to navigate its challenges.
💪 The Power of Mindset: Your attitude is a choice, and it's vital for overcoming adversity.
🌟 Resilience and Grit: Challenges are opportunities for growth, not roadblocks.
(Side note: Tim is a living embodiment of this principle as he navigates life with cancer and still finds purpose and fulfillment in everyday despite his circumstances.
“Cancer will determine when I die. It will not decide how I live. That's my choice.”
💬 "Life is messy, and there are people in situations that need to be challenged."
💬 "Your attitude is something you choose. It's not something that happens to you."
💬 "The key to peace, no matter how bad a circumstance may be, is to make sure you're focused on the right things."
💬 "A negative attitude is a self-imposed prison cell. The lock is on the inside of the door, and you have the key."
💬 "The obstacles and challenges that we face in life, they're not there to stop us. They're there to test us, to strengthen us, to make us better."
Tim's 5 "whys" underscore the importance of aligning your values with your life & goals and bringing purpose to both. Listen to the full podcast for more wisdom on crafting your path to success. 🎙️ #Success #Mindset #Resilience #Leadership #TimKight #focus3 #e+r=o

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Explore the timeless wisdom of Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech. Delivered on April 23, 1910, at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, this iconic address celebrates the courage of those who dare to take risks and pursue greatness, even in the face of adversity. Roosevelt's eloquent words remind us that it's not the critic's viewpoint that matters but the relentless determination of those who strive valiantly, regardless of the possibility of failure.
Key Points:
Delivered by former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1910.
Encourages taking risks and striving for greatness.
Highlights the value of determination, even in the face of criticism and failure.
Inspiring passage: "It is not the critic who counts..."
A call to action: Pursue your goals with determination, regardless of others' opinions.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Can you relate???? "Welcome to the INSPIRED ACTION LIFE PODCAST/CHANNEL, where we explore that eerie feeling of being caught in between, not quite happy but not exactly sad either. It's the emptiness that settles in when you're not sure where your passions have gone, and even choosing a restaurant feels like an insurmountable task. In this episode, we dive deep into the journey of rediscovering ourselves, when all we once knew seems to have slipped away."
1. DISCOVERING Self-Improvement and Personal Growth
3. FINDING Happiness and Fulfillment
4.MINDSET RESET TO CONNECT WITH Confidence and Self-Doubt
5. Taking Responsibility for One's Life
6. Finding Purpose and Passion
7. Challenging Comfort Zones
8. Self-Discovery and Self-Awareness
9. Courage and Stretching Boundaries
10. Mindset Transformation
11. Exploring Hobbies and Interests
12. Navigating Relationships and Communication
13. Seeking Positive Change
14. Inner Strength and Resilience
Absolutely, here's a revised Instagram post that incorporates the SEO keywords:
🌟 Rediscovering Happiness 🌟
Hey friends,
I wanted to share a little piece of my journey with you today. Have you ever felt like life was on autopilot? Like you were just going through the motions, day after day, without really feeling anything - not happy, not sad, just... numb? 🙁
That was me for a while, lost in the shuffle of motherhood, always putting everyone else first and forgetting what it meant to take care of myself. The empty nest phase hit hard, and I found myself not even knowing what I liked to eat or how to spend my time now that the kids were off to their own adventures.
But here's the thing - I didn't want to stay stuck in that "in-between" place forever. I craved happiness, passion, and a sense of purpose that went beyond just existing. And so, I embarked on a journey to rediscover myself, to reclaim the things that brought joy to my life, and to embrace the uncertainty of change.
I've started a podcast, [Podcast Name], where I share my story and connect with others who have experienced this same kind of emptiness and confusion. Together, we're exploring how to find our way back to happiness, one step at a time.
If you've ever felt lost or numb, if you're navigating the challenges of empty nesting or embarking on a new career path, or if you're simply on a quest to rediscover your true self, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Let's support each other, share our stories, and learn how to be happy again. 💪❤️
#RediscoveringHappiness #EmptyNestPhase #SelfDiscoveryJourney #FindingPurpose #NavigatingLifeChanges #BuildingConfidence #EmbracingChange #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #IdentityStruggles #SelfCareJourney #Inspiration #Motivation #SupportiveCommunity #PodcastLaunch #MindsetTransformation #ReclaimingJoy #NewBeginningsInLife #SelfRealization #SelfEmpowerment #JourneyToHappiness
check out my website for content and courses and EVENTS! (coaching website)

Friday Sep 01, 2023

The big ideas from this section of text are:
1. quest for inspiration and purpose in life: The section starts with the narrator expressing a desire for something more meaningful and inspirational in life, beyond just going through the motions.
2. The search for a new way of thinking: The narrator mentions being introduced to a different way of thinking, referred to as "next level thinking," which sparked their curiosity and desire for personal growth.
3. The struggle with self-doubt and a lack of self-worth: The narrator discusses feeling inadequate, always striving for validation, and struggling with a fear of failure. They delve into the concept of narcissism and how it may have affected their self-esteem and relationships.
4. The impact of covert narcissism: The narrator describes a type of narcissism called "covert narcissism" and how it can subtly devalue and victimize individuals, making them feel less than and unloved.
5. The importance of deep personal connections: The text emphasizes the significance of genuine, supportive relationships and how a lack of such connections can lead to feelings of invisibility and inadequacy.
Overall, this section explores the narrator's personal journey toward self-discovery, the exploration of new perspectives, and the recognition of the impact of narcissism on their self-esteem and relationships.
1. "Life looks pretty good, feels pretty good mostly, but there's just something that's wrong, something that's missing."

2. "I wanted to feel inspired, but I didn't know how and where to look for that inspiration."
3. "It all seemed like quick fixes. Like if I could just be this size, then I would be happy. Or if I could just get this promotion, then I would finally be happy."
4. "It's not about being necessarily unhappy as much as being inspired, happy, like knowing that your life is purpose-built."
5. "I needed to figure out why I would never put myself out there and why I always tried to keep such a low profile."
6. "The biggest problem was the devaluation, the devaluing of what you bring to the table."
7. "It's that connection. It's that deep personal connection that you lose in those valuable relationships."
These pull quotes capture key ideas related to the narrator's quest for inspiration, their struggle with self-worth, and the impact of narcissism on their relationships.
Overall, this episode encourages listeners to examine their past experiences and relationships to better understand themselves and their value, ultimately leading to personal growth and a more inspired and fulfilling life.
Personal Growth
Finding Inspiration
Emotional Well-being
Life Transformation

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

I'm so happy to have Jess Burgio, hailing from San Diego, sharing her inspiring journey on this episode of "Inspired Action Life" podcast. As the host of the "Unscripted" podcast and co-founder of Media Unscripted, a podcast talent agency, Jess brings a wealth of experience and insight to the conversation.
She is not only beautiful (she knows beauty...she pivoted from the beauty industry into full time podcasting!) She is an author, she is wise, driven & AUTHENTIC as they come. This is a real talk conversation! The discussion delves into Jess's transformation from a successful hairdresser and salon owner to her current role in podcasting and entrepreneurship. Her story underscores the significance of recognizing inherent talents and leveraging them for a new career trajectory. The conversation explores her career evolution from the beauty industry to the fitness sector and ultimately to the dynamic world of podcasting.
An overarching theme is the power of curiosity and seizing opportunities, even when they require reaching out to influential figures. Jess's connection with Lori Harder serves as a prime example. Her journey emphasizes the profound impact of embracing change, finding one's voice, and embracing mentorship and personal development.
Jess's narrative shines a light on her journey navigating professional shifts to create a fulfilling and impactful career. The episode encapsulates her journey, from pivotal moments of self-discovery to strategic decision-making, culminating in her role as a podcast agency owner. Jess's story stands as a testament to the rewards of embracing change and recognizing one's unique strengths, ultimately leading to meaningful personal and professional growth.
"Knowing that you are capable of holding space, being a good listener, maybe being the person people turn to for a specific... those are the things you might want to lean into as your gifts."
"Being curious and being open... when an opportunity presents itself, I do ask myself, is this an opportunity or a distraction? And in those cases, it was always an opportunity."
3. "Sometimes we think things are going to be so much harder than they are or that like who am I to ask for this?
"I think being curious and being open and being like one of those people that when an opportunity presents itself... That's my going right."
"We take what we call these like soft skills for granted because they're just part of who we are... or it's maybe just what you do. And so you don't realize that these traits and these things actually can equate to a future business that you might want to start or have."

"Podcasting felt very similar to trading time for money, as it did with doing a haircut. I realized I don't have to be stuck to a chair at the salon, but now my *** is stuck to a seat in my office in front of a computer."
"Podcasting is an opportunity to connect your voice with your brand. It's not just about putting out content; it's about establishing yourself as a thought leader and driving traffic to your episodes."
"Embrace change, step out of your comfort zone, and recognize the transferable skills that can lead to success in unexpected areas."
FOLLOW JESS ON INSTA @Jessicaburgio @unscriptedthepodcast & @mediaunscripted
Remember to FOLLOW ME ON INSTA for upcoming events & retreats or training info @Inspiredaction_coach @theexperienceproject614
or visit my website for group training


Host & Chief Dream Cultivator

"Welcome to Inspired Action Life Podcast, I'm your Host Karen Baldridge.  This is a place where we're all about waking up to the magic within you! Join us for informational & heart-centered chats on leveling up in life, love, business, career, and finances. Discover the secrets of mindset & life transformations and self-love journeys that lead to the YOU you never knew existed. Get cozy and get ready for inspiring tales from guests who bravely embraced life's twists, took risks, and found their extraordinary. It's time to sprinkle some magic on your day and awaken to a life filled with more joy, purpose, and surprises!"

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